Known for her work in archaeology, Jennifer Mendez teaches at Rika Fane's school. Rika needs to find a way to make up to her teacher because she turned in her assignment two weeks late. She visits Jennifer at her office and, as a gesture of goodwill, offers her a couple of cups of coffee from takeaway. That won't really work on Miss Mendez because, well, that's how little she cares—she even mispronounced Rika's name. Naturally, Rika is not finished yet, so she sits across from her teacher and persuades her. But just as she is finishing her thought, she notices something shaped like a cock sitting next to Jennifer in a box on top of hay. ? What is that? Rika asks, looking perplexed, "Why is there a Dildo right on her teacher's desk? " Jennifer swiftly corrects her young student, saying that the device she is holding is not a dildo but rather an antique that she brought back from an archeological dig. After their little conversation, Jennifer begins to look up Rika's grades and discovers that she is on track to fail her